February 2025
Another month has passed, so what's been happening in the world of an overworked IT employee...
Starting with a positive, my work on data-size optimisation has been going well (and has actually been fun). The last 4 weeks have been allowed for effective prototyping combined with some impressive results. Without waffling, watching some datasources be reduced by around 40% without losing any of the usable data is great, and the performance being better than expected is an added bonus.
From a meshtastic perspective sadly it's slow progress. I have a new assembly (that will be documented later), but trying to find someone to fit the antenna at a very high point is proving problematic. Not from a lack of trying, more from companies stating they can do the job but then going silent when you actually want to book it in.
In general news, rumour has it that the UK roads have been replaced almost entirely by potholes. All joking aside, many of the roads by me now have potholes large enough to damage wheels (and I'm not convinced two of mine are still round). Low profile tyres need not apply in this area (unless you like wasting money).
On the topic of car-related woes, the latest software update for my car proved to be amusing. While not as bad as the travesty that was my Volkswagen EV, having the automatic cruise-control periodically believe that two major motorways were periodically 30MPH / 40MPH (and being very hard on the brakes) was a treat. Worse, there were no speed signs / no lorries with large stickers on the back, just a very broken system.
Health-wise, the weight-loss continues which is great. The only downside, I now have no shirts that fit, and my suits are now condemned to the back of the wardrobe. Still, better than the alternative (and nice to be under 20-stone again).
Finally, as far as Nandos goes, their Fanta chicken just ain't that good... Until next month ;)